Today over three million Americans receive care in nursing homes and skilled nursing home facilities throughout the United States. These facilities provide a variety of services, both medical and personal care, to people who are unable to manage independently in the community. As a result of the services provided and the staffing required to administer these services, nursing homes, face a broad spectrum of liability exposures, including general and professional negligence. This includes slips and falls, elopement, abuse claims, errors in medication doses and other risks.
Midwest Insurance Group, a Risk Retention Group (RRG), managed by MGU and wholesaler Caitlin Morgan provides liability solutions for nursing homes seeking ways to reduce their insurance expenses and maintain control of their costs. The RRG was established to help minimize litigation.
Both General Liability and Professional Liability insurance is available for nursing homes. Primary coverage is available with $1 million and 3 million limits. Excess limits are available up to $10 million. The benefits of becoming a member of Midwest Insurance Group in addition to gaining control over cost drivers include:
Healthcare members of Midwest Insurance Group gain the benefits of stable pricing due in part to favorable regulatory environments. Give us a call 877.123-5678 to discuss how this risk retention group can help your clients leverage a favorable regulatory environment or other rating variable and limit their liability costs.
A Midwest Insurance Group representative will contact you immediately.
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